Thursday 16 February, Parables:
• CHOOSE & READ: choose stories in about half of Octavia's Brood. Be able to say how you chose the ones you did: have a rationale and practice to share.
• EXPLORE WEBSITE: #Letusbreathe Collective site.
• CONSIDER everything under the assignments TAB carefully
• KIT ITERATION: bring your kit to use for thinking about PROTOTYPES!
• MAKING AT BEGINNING OF CLASS: 2 min. Attendance Portraits (Barry 2014)
• MAKING IN SECOND PART OF CLASS: working on paper prototypes, cut and connect. THINK ABOUT PLATFORMS.
Why is today's class entitled Parable?
Why was the last class entitled Emergence?
What is a prototype?
What is a logbook?
1) Attendance Portraits: Eva will take charge of these now.
2) READ PARAGRAPH from story, p. 178: you are there.
3) LISTEN TO R.A.I.N MEDITATION, as if the activist experience you just read about were the one you were working on for yourself.
4) next 20 mins: READ OR REREAD "Kafka's Last Laugh" by Vagabond in Octavia's Brood, pp. 177-186. If finish before, review the Lothian essay.
5) IN PAIRS (with class buddy?), consider how you would make content notes, tag, or warn readers about this story. What should be noted and why? Why is this science fiction? A story? From social justice movements?
6) tactical breathing exercise, then EXPLORE #Let Us Breathe Collective website.
Breathe in for a count of 4
Hold the breath for a count of 4
Breathe out for a count of 4
Hold for a count of 4
see Górska. 2016. Breathing Matters. Linköping. 192-3.
see also:
=FREEWRITE: on associations of term platform.
=Who is Vagabond? How is this book his platform and for what?
=What sort of platform is Octavia's Brood? How is it NOT autonomous?
=What sort of platforms do social justice movements need? Use? Find themselves on?
2) WHAT IS A PROTOTYPE? What sort of prototype will your project need?
3) working on a paper prototype. A PROTOTYPE IS DUE NEXT CLASS.
=bring in your project prototype, your project planning sheet completed, and Logbook 1.
2) READ PARAGRAPH from story, p. 178: you are there.
3) LISTEN TO R.A.I.N. MEDITATION, use as if this experience were the one you were working on.
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